We are very grateful to Schlatt-Books that we can offer you this unique work "Karate - the art of the empty hand" in German translation by Hidetaka Nishiyama and Richard C. Browns in our Bokken shop. This is a reproduction of the oldest publication ever published in a western language on Japanese karate. "The Art of the Empty Hand" is a systematic presentation of Japanese karate as taught by the Japan Karate Association (JKA) in the mid-twentieth century. Nishiyama presents the matter comprehensively and in detail. It enables the reader to carry out a step-by-step analysis of the basic movements and techniques of karate with the help of the extensive text and over 1000 photographs.
In addition, he gives an overview of the history of this martial art, explains the most important training methods and the basic principles of self-defence, including measures against holds, knife, stick and pistol attacks.
Please note: The book is only available in German.
Publisher: Schlatt Books
Language: German
Translation: Schlatt
Format: 180x257
Extent: 256 pages
Over 1000 photographs
Full linen with ribbon bookmark
ISBN: 978-3-937745-06-0