
Budo Equipment

Here you will find a large selection of martial arts equipment that will make your everyday training easier. 

To present your wooden weapons or steel swords appropriately, we have various types of sword and weapon stands in our range, from table stands and floor stands to katana wall holders for one or more weapons. There are simple and inexpensive versions, but also decorative sword stands made of special woods with different motifs, which are an ornament for every training room and every dojo.

To transport your martial arts weapons, we also offer a large number of sword bags in various sizes made of fabric, nylon or imitation leather for your bokken, katana, iaito, tai chi sword and your bo or jo sticks. 

For your samurai sword, you can purchase classic sword oils such as clove oil or camellia oil for blade care in the Bokken-Shop, as well as various sageo and tatami omote mats for cutting tests. Our punch pads made of artificial leather and real leather have also proven themselves many times over in training. 

As spiritual practice also plays a major role in martial arts, we have beautiful meditation cushions in our range, which we also use ourselves in our seminars and can therefore recommend without reservation. A collection of excellent Budo books on various martial arts, Japanese traditions, weaponry, spirituality and the art of living, which has grown extensively over the years, is suitable for giving you new impulses and a deeper understanding of your personal path.

Do you have an idea for a product, would you like to suggest a book or do you have any questions? We are happy to be inspired and look forward to hearing from you!


In this complete rewrite of the book: Run Within, the excitement of running is conveyed. The runner is offered a holistic running philosophy and a wealth of interesting running exercises - instead of the values ​​"speed and mileage".

Publisher: Verlag Dietrich
Language: German
Revision: 2003
Softcover: Paperback 224 pages
ISBN: 3-9500-0940-X
0,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Wolfgang Ettig: Yamato - medieval weapons of Japan ► Books weapons knowledge, medieval weapons, samurai. Your Budo specialist dealer!
Articles from the magazine of the German-Japanese Society from 1929 to 1932. An informative documentation about the medieval weapons of Japan.

Editor: Tengu Publishing Wolfgang Ettig
Author: Wolfgang Ettig
1st edition 2008
Language: German
Softcover: 176 pages
Format: 19 x 24 cm
Numerous drawings
ISBN: 3-924862-14-5
6,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Wolfgang Ettig: Weapons and Sword Ornaments of Japan ► Books weapons knowledge, medieval weapons, samurai. Your Budo specialist dealer!
Articles from the "Magazine for historical weapons and costumes customer" from 1902-1981. An informative documentation about the medieval weapons of Japan.

Editor: Tengu Publishing Wolfgang Ettig
Author: Wolfgang Ettig
1st edition 2008
Language: German
Softcover: 200 pages
Format: 19 x 24 cm
Numerous drawings
ISBN: 3-924862-13-8
6,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Wolfgang Ettig: Old Japanese weapons ► Books weapons knowledge, medieval weapons, samurai, Japan weapons. Your Budo specialist dealer!
Essays from the communications of the German Society for Nature and Ethnology of East Asia from the years 1884-1908.

Editor: Tengu Publishing Wolfgang Ettig
Author: Wolfgang Ettig
1st edition 2005
Language: German
Softcover: 176 pages
Format: 19 x 24 cm
Numerous drawings
ISBN: 3-924862-09-5
6,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Table stand for 1 samurai sword (Kanji imprint) ➤ »suitable for Aikdio, Jodo, Bujinkan, Jodo, Ju-Jutsu - your Budo specialist dealer!
To present your samurai sword, we offer you a simple and stable sword stand for one sword. As a special feature you will find a decorative Japanese lettering "Kanji Bushi" (translated: warrior) on the front.

Table stand
For 1 katana/bokken/tai chi sword
Color: black
Material: wood
Height: approx. 15 cm
Width: approx. 43 cm
9,50 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Andrea-Mercedes Riegel: Tuina-Anmo - Chinese massage in competitive sports► Books Zen & ZaZen, Books Meditation. Your specialised Budo dealer!
The book Tuina-Anmo - Chinese Massage in Competitive Sports is the only one of its kind to date that combines Chinese medicine and sport.

Publisher: Verlag W. Kristkeitz
Language: German
Author: Andrea-Mercedes Riegel
Hardcover with thread binding
128 pages, 137 illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-921508-87-9
9,80 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Myokyo-ni Irmgard Schlögl: The Wisdom of Zen Masters ► Books Zen & ZaZen, Books Meditation. Your Budo dealer!
Zen master Myōkyō-ni Irmgard Schlögl gives us here not only a profound and comprehensive introduction to the essence of Zen in the context of the Buddha's teachings.

Publisher: Verlag Werner Kristkeitz
Language: German
Author: Myokyo-ni Irmagard Schlögl
Hardcover with thread binding
ribbon bookmark
104 pages
ISBN: 978-3-932337-46-8
9,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Günter Burkart: Wei-Zen-Dô or wheat beer, Zen and martial arts ► Books Karate - Bujinkan - Aikido. Your Budo specialist dealer!
"Wei-Zen-Dô" is a new form of the ancient search for meaning and unity," says Günter Burkart in his unique standard work on wheat beer, Zen and martial arts.

Please note: The book is only available in German.

Publisher: Schlatt Books
Language: German
Author: Günter Burkart
Extent: 120 pages
paperback format
paperback edition
ISBN: 9978-3-937745-09-1
9,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 8 (from a total of 188)