Dear Budo friends,
A year is coming to an end that has challenged us all on many levels. It is these challenges that allow us to grow internally and bring us further development.We are entering a very special time of the year. As humanity as a whole, we celebrate the light and love in our hearts, beyond religion and faith. The time is not just a Christian festival in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ - it is much more universal. These days the Egyptians celebrate the birth of Osiris, the Greeks the birth of Adonis, the Babylonians the birth of Tammuz and the Persians the birth of Mithras. Even the Romans honored Bacchus, the god of wine, during this time.
May our giving be sincere, loving and full of devotion and may the light within us shine. The greatest gift of the warrior is love. So let giving happen in the spirit of this love.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust, for your support & friendship, for the many touching conversations and the wonderful time. The New Year will bring us many familiar and beautiful things, but also many new and challenging things. May we all continue to grow inwardly and outwardly.
I wish you a blessed Christmas season. With plenty of space and time for the important things in your lives. May health, happiness and love be your faithful and good companions in the New Year.
Greetings Ulrich
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